
surrogate legal representation

Customized legal representation for you and your family based on your unique circumstances. Leverton Law Firm will accompany through your journey from the initial consultation through finalization of parental rights.  Flexible scheduling and a thorough intake process will ensure a smooth and easy legal process for your surrogacy journey.

egg donor legal representation

Tailored legal representation can guide you through the legal process of egg donation, pointing out topics and issues that may be important to you. Leverton Law Firm is dedicated to thorough and efficient legal consultations, allowing you to move through the legal process quickly while being sure that all topics are covered, giving you peace of mind.

sperm donor legal representation

Whether providing the gift of life to a friend or relative, or giving anonymously, legal representation should put your mind at ease, knowing that your donation is in compliance with the law.  Leverton Law Firm guides donors through the legal requirements of sperm donation, and also provides advice on customization of contract terms so your donation is exactly what you envision.

embryo donor legal representation

Embryo Donation can be a very emotional journey, full of ups, downs, and what-ifs. Leverton Law Firm acknowledges how difficult and beautiful embryo donation can be, and is here to provide you with a personalized experience. We are hear to listen to you and your wishes, and tailor contract modifications to meet your expectations for your donation journey.


Frequently Asked Questions

In most surrogacy and donation arrangements, the Intended Parents pay for the surrogate or donor’s legal fees.  Should you choose to pay your own legal fees, we have flat-rate fees depending on what services you need or desire. You will not need to worry about being charged hourly rates, so we can consult until you are completely comfortable.  Our fees are as follows:

  • Surrogacy Contract Consultation: $1,500.00
  • Parental Establishment Representation: $500.00
  • Egg Donation Contract Consultation: $500.00
  • Sperm Donation Contract Consultation: $500.00
  • Embryo Donation Contract Consultation: $500.00

There are many factors that can impact the amount of time it takes to finalize a surrogacy or donation agreement, but Leverton Law Firm is committed to effective and efficient legal representation.  Therefore, you can expect to have the opportunity to consult with our attorney within one business day of receiving the proposed legal agreement from the Intended Parents’ attorney.  Additionally, you can be confident that you will receive responses from you attorney within one business day of any correspondence.  We are dedicated to ensuring that the legal process is as smooth and quick as possible so that you can move forward with your journey without delays.

Any correspondence between an attorney and their client is protected under attorney-client privilege, with very limited exceptions. Thus, you can be sure that Leverton Law Firm will hold all of your information and communications with the utmost confidentiality and privacy.  We will not reveal anything we discuss without your prior written permission. 

We are here for you.  If you have questions or concerns at any point during or after your journey, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Absolutely!  We are happy to schedule a free consultation to see if we are a good fit to serve as your legal counsel.  Please contact us if you’d like to speak.